Metronidazole and Maggie

So, we continue to be worried about Maggie because her appetite is still poor and she is moving very cautiously, like an old cat. Now granted, she is old, (17 years) but she usually spry and kittenish. It’s strange to see her act like she’s stiff or tip over like she’s lost her balance. So, today I looked up metronidazole For veterinary use, which is the medication she was on.

• Dogs and cats: Symptoms of overdose of metronidazole include the gastrointestinal signs (anorexia, vomiting) and neurologic signs including depression, ataxia, disorientation, head-tilt, tremors, bradycardia, rigidity, stiffness, and seizures. Neurologic signs may occur due to acute overdose although they are more commonly seen in animals that are on long-term moderate or high doses (oral doses greater than 66 mg/kg/day). Signs of chronic toxicity often begin 7-12 days following the start of treatment. After the drug is discontinued, it may be several days to two weeks before these neurologic signs begin to diminish.


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2 thoughts on “Metronidazole and Maggie”

  1. Wait! Let me get out my violin so I can play the sad sad song that goes with the moment.

    Truly though, she does seem perkier today. We’ve been tempting her with wet food.

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