2012 in 12 sentences

One of my favorite ways of looking back on the previous year is this little meme. So here are the first 12 sentences from my blog for each month of 2012.

  1. Here we are nearly a week into the New Year and I haven’t posted a thing.
  2. I have been a little nervous, waiting for the official reviews to start coming in.
  3. I mailed 320+ things in February.
  4. Last month when doing Month of Letters, I learned the meaning of unintended consequences.
  5. This is a very fast update to let you know that we have unloaded the truck and are in the apartment.
  6. I am off to the airport, for a plane to San Francisco.
  7. I’m participating in this year’s Clarion Write-a-Thon.
  8. I will, occasionally, insert things into my novels strictly to amuse myself.
  9. Tonight at 8pm Pacific, I’ll be on Geek and Sundry’s The Story Board hosted by Patrick Rothfuss.
  10. I have to read the copy-edited manuscript of Without a Summer aloud, because it helps me spot errors.
  11. My agent, Jennifer Jackson, is auctioning a critique of a partial manuscript for Hurricane Sandy relief.
  12. See, this is the sort of shiny thing that some authors — like me! — totally dream about.

How was your 2012?

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