Maskmaking workshop this October by GoblinArts studio

Goblin Art Studio is offering three-day maskmaking workshops this October. I met the instructor, Monica Roxburgh, when she interned with my puppet theater lo these many years ago. I remember looking at her mask portfolio and thinking she was overqualified for the internship because, dang, she was really good. I’m glad to see her teaching. Her masks are beautiful and for those of you based in or near Portland, this is a wonderful opportunity. Visit her website for the full details.

Professional-Quality Masks from Basic Materials
A 3-day maskmaking workshop from Goblin Art this October

This workshop includes a discussion of mask design, the demonstration of several maskmaking techniques, and the creation of an original mask. Participants will work with customized plastic mask forms, modeling compounds, paper mache and other materials, learn several mask-painting techniques, and prepare their mask for wear or display.

Instructor Monica Roxburgh has nine years of professional maskmaking experience. Notable clients include the Cirque du Soleil store, the British metal band Iron Maiden, and the recent Hollywood remake of the Wicker Man.

Chose from two workshop sessions:
October 3rd – 5th: Friday 7:30-9:30, Saturday and Sunday 1:00-3:00pm
October 17th -19th: Friday 7:30-9:30, Saturday and Sunday 1:00-3:00pm

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