Where to (Virtually) Find Mary Robinette in August

Hello all, and welcome to August!

Events this month are a bit sparse, but I will still be around for my typical Patreon schedule. You’ll find me at my Writing Date tomorrow evening, and at Interviewing Experts and my Writing Class later on this month. Outside of that, August is fairly quiet on the event front. However…

This October, I will be hosting a writing retreat and workshop in ICELAND! I’d love for you to join me there. We will be staying at Úlfljótsskáli lodge, located about an hour outside of Reykjavik. Fifteen students, an isolated location, ample writing time, focused seminars, critique sessions, and aurora borealis. Intrigued? Check out the Eventbrite for more details!

But even if Iceland isn’t up your alley, you’re welcome to join me on Patreon for any of the following events:

Patreon Q&A and Writing Date

August 03, 2021— 7 pm to 8:30 pm Central

Join me for monthly online writing dates (usually 8 days after the last class). I’ll open a teleconference room & we’ll start with a half hour of questions you have about the class, or about writing in general. Then I’ll offer a writing prompt. We’ll chat for 5 minutes, write for 25, and repeat. If […]

Interviewing Experts

August 17, 2021— 7PM CST to 7:50 pm CST

Mary Robinette hosts an interview with an expert in their field once a month for her $25 Patreon supporters. The topic rotates depending on the guest’s area of expertise. Dr. Tanya Harrison is a Professional Martian, having worked in science and mission operations for multiple NASA Mars missions over the past 13 years. She’s worked […]
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