Where to (Virtually) Find Mary Robinette in February

February has arrived – and with it comes a host of new virtual events! This month, I will be holding my normal Q&A / Writing Date for Patreon supporters on February 2nd. Later in the month for my writing class, I’m inviting my agent, Seth Fishman, as a guest instructor. He’ll be chatting about why you need an agent, how to get one, and any other questions you might have! Additionally, my new series, Interviewing Experts, will be featuring Martin P. Robinson this month. If you were ever a fan of Sesame Street, you may know him better under a different name: Mr. Snuffleupagus.

In addition to my Patreon events, I have been invited as a keynote speaker at NASA’s first ever TACP event. I’ll be speaking on The Engineering of Worlds on February 3rd at 11AM EST. Registration is free, so if this interests you at all it’s worth signing up.

And… while it’s not on the official calendar, it’s worth noting that my birthday is coming up on the 8th! It’s very possible that there will be some goodies going out alongside the newsletter this month, so if you are not subscribed, this is a very good time to make sure your email is on the list. Scroll down to the bottom of the home page to find the sign-up!

Finally, a reminder to any writers and industry professionals out there – SFWA is currently waiving fees for Black writers. More info here:

I hope you all have a wonderful month! My full calendar of appearances for February is below.

Patreon Q&A and Writing Date

February 02, 2021— 7 pm to 8:30 pm Central

Join me for monthly online writing dates (usually 8 days after the last class). I’ll open a teleconference room & we’ll start with a half hour of questions you have about the class, or about writing in general. Then I’ll offer a writing prompt. We’ll chat for 5 minutes, write for 25, and repeat. If […]

NASA TACP Keynote Speech

February 03, 2021— 11am est to 12pm est

Join me for my keynote speech on The Engineering of Worlds at NASA’s first ever Transformative Aeronautics Concepts Program (TACP). The TACP is meant to provide the aerospace community an opportunity to experience NASA’s TACP including the University Innovation, Convergent Aeronautics Solutions, and the Transformational Tools and Technologies Projects. The overarching goal for TACP Showcase […]

Interviewing Experts with Martin P. Robinson

February 16, 2021— 7PM CST to 7:50 pm CST

Mary Robinette hosts an interview with an expert in their field once a month for her $25 Patreon supporters. The topic rotates depending on the guest’s area of expertise. Martin P. Robinson is an American puppeteer who works for the Jim Henson Company. He also built, designed, and performed the puppets for Little Shop of […]

Supporter Online Writing Class – Guest Instructor Seth Fishman (my agent!)

February 22, 2021— 7 pm to 8 pm Central

Mary Robinette teaches classes, once a month, for her $25 Patreon supporters. The topic rotates, depending on what folks want to know about. This month, meet special guest instructor Seth Fishman, VP at The Gernert Company and agent here to answer whatever questions you have. From WHY you need an agent, to HOW to get one. Become […]
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