Velkominn til Islands

Our travels were completely smooth with only one minor point of concern. When we arrived in Iceland, we did not have the visas for working here in our passport. Fortunately, we were in the system so it only took them a few minutes to check and verify that we were who we said we were.

Daddi, our liason, picked us up at the airport and drove us to our apartment. Because of the morning rushhour commuters heading into Reykjavik, we decided to stop by the studio to have a quick look instead of sitting in traffic. The studio has had some major remodeling. It’s quite impressive. May I say, “sauna” and “tearoom.”

After our tour, Daddi brought us to our new apartment. It’s perfect for us. A great five-burner stove gas stove. Minimalist furnishing with a lean toward the asian influences. Easy walking distance from downtown, but on a quiet street. There’s a grocery on the corner. It’s wonderful.

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