While past Lady Astronaut novels have explored the political challenges of resettling the human race, The Relentless Moon best embodies these obstacles in the tenacious Nicole, who would rather be showing people how to float-walk in zero-G but instead squeezes herself into high heels and grounds herself with Earth’s gravity in order to meet her peers where they’re at. 

Natalie Zutter,

This is a fabulous, in-depth review of The Relentless Moon. Natalie Zutter of the team has spoiled me – and my potential readers! – by not just describing the plot, but by going in-depth on the themes present in the The Relentless Moon.

Natalie digs in to what it means to be a woman in the 50s, especially one in a prominent public-facing position. Nicole is torn between two worlds: her desire to be an astronaut, to go to the moon, to be taken seriously for herself, and for the social obligations heaped on her to act “appropriately” for her audience as the wife of a politician.

Read the full review at

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