The Smell of Hope: a Fundraiser for Emily DeCola

Animal Farm designed by Emily DeCola of the Puppet KitchenHey folks, one of my best friends needs your help. Emily DeCola is a brilliant puppeteer and designer and I do not use the word “brilliant” lightly. She has, hands down, one of the most creative visions of puppet theater today.

And she was hit by a cyclist on her way to work, resulting in a serious concussion.

There’s a fundraiser and I’d like to ask you to help Emily out. Here’s the official text of the fundraiser.

Not long ago, Emily was struck by a cyclist while crossing 2nd Ave. on her way to work. As her head hit the pavement, her marvelous grey matter jostled around, causing some brain bruising, a small hematoma, and injuring the delicate nerve between her nose and noggin, ending her sense of smell.Without a sense of smell, her sense of taste and her enjoyment of life have been flattened to a dull Salty, Bitter, Sweet, Sour experience of the world.

But there is hope! With your help, Emily will be able to afford the medical bills and recovery she needs to get back to her dynamic, energetic self.

Come down to the Connelly Theater July 19 for performances of puppetry and music, food and drink, a silent auction, and general merriment and good cheer for our dear friend! Did I mention the air conditioning? Marty Robinson from Sesame Street and Little Shop of Horrors will host an evening of performances by Basil Twist, Spencer Lott, Brad Kemp, James Godwin, the cast of Senseless! and some surprise guests!

If you can’t make it to the Event, but want to help, you can donate to our GoFundMe page:

The facebook event page for The Smell of Hope: a Fundraiser for Emily DeCola.

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1 thought on “The Smell of Hope: a Fundraiser for Emily DeCola”

  1. I so wish I was still in NYC to see that event! Emily did puppets on a bunch of shows when I was working at the Public, and I love her work.

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