Stanislaw Lem, Author of Science Fiction Classics, Is Dead at 84 – New York Times

Stanislaw Lem, Author of Science Fiction Classics, Is Dead at 84 – New York Times

Stanislaw Lem, a Polish science-fiction writer who, in novels like “Solaris” and “His Master’s Voice,” contemplated man’s place in the universe in sardonic and sometimes bleak terms, died yesterday in Krakow, Poland. He was 84.

The cause was heart failure, his secretary, Wojciech Zemek, told The Associated Press.

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2 thoughts on “Stanislaw Lem, Author of Science Fiction Classics, Is Dead at 84 – New York Times”

  1. I read the obit yesterday for Stanislaw Lem yesterday. While I never did see the film version of Solaris, I have read the book. It was like being inside a Jackson Pollak painting…very sureal.

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