So that’s what dead tired means

Last night I went to bed about twenty minutes after Rob. Normally, he would still be awake, but last night I could tell by the sound of his breathing that he was deeply asleep. The winery tires him out during harvest because it’s all hard physical labor and extremely long hours.

He was sprawled across the bed, arms outstretched. I nudged him to get him to move. No response. I picked his arm up and moved it without the rhythm of his breathing changing. In fact, if it weren’t for the fact that he was snoring lightly I might have been worried. Poor guy.

He had today off, so we were able to spend some time together while both awake. Given how harvest generally runs, this is a novel experience.

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2 thoughts on “So that’s what dead tired means”

  1. I always laugh when my girls have sleepover parties (after I’m through the pulling my hair out at the roots stage)- no matter who starts out sleeping where, by the end of the night there’s a puppy pile of girls all over the floor who just don’t move. I like my kids when they’re asleep 🙂

    I’m glad that you had a good day off together!

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