
I got up at 5:00 this morning and Rob drove me to the airport for my 6:45 flight. The poor guy has an awful head cold. It started coming on yesterday and is in full swing now. Hopefully I’ll survive this trip without catching it.

During boarding in Portland, they sent me back to Security because I had SSSS (Special Security Screening Selectee) on my ticket but none of the TSA people noticed it. So I didn’t have the stamp on my ticket that said I’d been screened. I hurried back to Security and let them go through my carry-on bag and wave their magic wand at me. It seemed a little silly, since by that point I could have done whatever SSSS is supposed to catch.

We had a good view of Mount St. Helens on the trip up, with a nice clear plume of smoke. Sorry the photo isn’t very good, you’ll have to take my word on it. It was impressive.

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3 thoughts on “Seattle”

  1. Oh dear,
    I certainly hope SSSS is not, once again, an omen of complex travel karma…

    We wish you a safe and, for once, uneventful, journey

  2. The SSSS was so uneventful, compared to prior travel karma, that I’d already forgotten by the time I got to the City.

    Sorry, Fabulous Girl, I was only there for an hour. I did think about calling you but figured you were probably on your way to work.

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