Is Scalzi declaring war or asking to borrow one of my dresses again?

While in Seattle, Scalzi did this.


So, my question is — Is this a declaration of war, or does he just want to borrow another dress. Rapier or iron, that is the question.

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8 thoughts on “Is Scalzi declaring war or asking to borrow one of my dresses again?”

  1. Paul (@princejvstin)

    Rapier. Even if its iron, the rapier is the *safer* choice.

    Damn, Mary, now I want you to write a Musketeer-esque story. 🙂

  2. He’s just channeling Cap’n Mal:

    “‘Sides, those soft cotton dresses feel kinda nice. It’s the whole…airflow.”

  3. Anyone’s looks would be improved by wearing one of Mary’s dresses, like the delicious confection you wore to accept your Hugo!

  4. No “borrow” about it: Scalzi wants your dresses. Permanently. They’re his natural attire to match his natural, defective attitude.

    This isn’t even a cry for help; it’s just his inner Gamma Rabbit expressing its cravenly dominance over his complete lack of manliness and utter inability to master the essentials of the highest calling of any real man: the pick-up artist.

    (Did that really need a tag?)

  5. I was at the signing in Seattle, two places behind the couple that had him sign your book. He also signed a Patrick Rothfuss copy with something I didn’t quite catch. I remember thinking “Hmm, this cross signing has really become a thing now.” Didn’t this start rather recently between Brandon and Patrick?

    Anyway, since John has already posed in one of your dresses that you most graciously lent him for the purpose of a charity, I figure you don’t have to fight at all. Unless he decides to “borrow” from your closet without asking. Then it’s war!

    My sister used to borrow my sweaters without asking when we were both in highschool. As she was a rather well developed young lady, they came back to me rather stretched out in the upper chest area and I ended up having to give them to her anyway. Which was her nefarious plan all along…

    No fighting is needed then as long as he asks nicely first

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