Rob got me tickets to Rusalka for my birthday, and so we went to the opera tonight. Renée Flemming was the lead and was perhaps more amazing even in person than broadcast. The control, range and richness of her voice all seem effortless.
The cast was uniformly strong. Oh, and Rob got us tickets in the fourth row so we were really able to see their facial expressions. He says that he’s never sat that close before [1. He usually did standing room as a student] and that it kept really reminding him that these are people making this amazing music.
I quite agree. It was really amazing.
ENVY is a sin! I must remember that.
You make us GREEN, but it must have
been a delightful evening for you two.
I think it is coveting that is the sin. Envy is ok. They are different arn’t they?
-d- You make me think.
I donno. Hmmmm. How’s this:
covet symply means, “I Want.”
Whereas, envy mean “I want
what YOU have!”
Dang. I haven’t figured
out how to edit and correct
spelling & grmmar. Tsk,tsk
congratulations that would have been phenomenal. When I see something live I get this reminder that there is so much mind blowing talent out there.