RIP Koren Harrison

When we were in high school, my younger brother met his high school sweetheart. Korie. She was sweet and shy and if you could draw her out, wickedly funny. Their freshman year of college, I was the first person he told that they were getting married. They had three children together, my siblings, Katherine, Peter, and Elliot. Their marriage didn’t last, but their friendship did.

She died Wednesday morning at the age of 51.

Koren was one of the kindest people I’ve met. She had a knack for listening. When we were all college students, she was studying voice and had the most beautiful clear soprano. Her last year of college, she was planning to be a voice teacher and realized that it wasn’t a good fit. She loved to sing, but she didn’t love the spotlight. She loved to nurture but she didn’t enjoy being the bad guy. Rather than trying to force herself into a job that was not a good match, she changed course and focused on raising her children. Then she went into social work where she could be of service to people. She was good at listening to people and that included listening to herself.

I have so many memories of her laughing, bright and clear like her singing voice. It is hard to understand that she’s gone.

We knew this was coming, but it is still a shock. All of her children, her parents, and her partner were able to be with her, and I’m so grateful for that. Koren loved her family. She’s left a large hole, and I will miss her voice, her thoughts, and her laughter.

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