Retro Mary 1994: Tues Sept 27, 1994 11:30 pm

Ernie if I didn’t think it before, I do now. My body hates me. I’ve got strep throat, an infected glue gun burn, an infected spot on my leg, a place on my face that will leave a deep scar [1. I don’t remember the last two items] and to add insult to injury– I started my period tonight. Oh joy unbounded.

Our shows went well today. Considering. Couldn’t use the shadow light ’cause we were in a 15 foot space which is exactly how much room the set was designed to take up. If I’d know how big that light would be, I’d have planned for it. Ah well.

J– said he was glad I was feeling better (and I am, complaints aside) ’cause he was having flashbacks to S–‘s dazed expression.

Have I mentioned how much I like his family? They saved a piece of delicious pie for me ’cause I couldn’t eat it yesterday. What wonderful people. 🙂

R– called today to see how I was doing. Wanted to make sure J2– hadn’t guilted me into doing the show today when he found out I had. I told him that I felt so  much better by comparison to yesterday that I figured, “I did the show yesterday feeling much worse; I can perform today.”  My throat is still sore but I can eat solid food again. Hurray!

Let’s see. I painted the shadow figures on the small Piper/kids flats. By the way kids (real ones) are trying to figure out how we make them smaller in the distance. [2. We had three sets of the same figures in diminishing sizes] I also fixed Agnes’s dress (a rip in the shoulder) and glued her hand to the crutch. Put legs on rats & tails on & a carrot.

Now I must sleep.

Oh– almost forgot. I had my 1st Piper performance injury today. Well… it’s a doozy of a bruise… anyway I tripped over the rats trigger cable on my 1st entry with the mayor and slammed against the ramp. Lovely bruise on my left thigh. Woohoo.

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