Reminder: I’m reading tonight, with Susanna Kearsley and Julie James at Anderson’s bookstore

Hey Chicago! You want to come to a reading tonight, don’t you?

My friend Susanna Kearsley is on tour for her new book The Splendor Falls. Besides being smart and an excellent writer (her novel The Firebird was one of my favorite books last year) today is also her birthday.

You know what would be a great present? A gigantic crowd.

Anderson’s Bookshop
123 W. Je? erson Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540

Oh… Her local Naperville publisher, Sourcebooks, will be providing champagne & cupcakes for the event! Come celebrate with us!

susanna tour banner

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2 thoughts on “Reminder: I’m reading tonight, with Susanna Kearsley and Julie James at Anderson’s bookstore”

  1. Catherine Brennan

    Dang. That’s practically in my neighborhood, but my car’s brakes chose yesterday to die on me, so I can’t make it. Hope it goes wonderfully and everyone has a great time.

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