On our way

Quite frankly, I have no idea where we are right now. Probably over the Atlantic, but I’ve cleverly set my blog up to entertain you while I’m in transit.

Here are pictures of the apartment we’ll have in Reykjavik. This is looking from the front door down towards the WC.

View from the foyer

The living room

View of the living room

The kitchen

View of the kitchen

The bedroom

View of the bedroom

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3 thoughts on “On our way”

  1. overall, it seems splendid,though I’m not so sure about the view of the commode as one enters. I can hardly wait to see it in person (I’m sure you feel the same).

    safe travels!


  2. Mary Robinette Kowal

    Fortunately, that is easily remedied by keeping the bathroom door shut. I should say that the bedroom is much nicer than it looks. But that might be the jetlag speaking.

  3. Oh my, that is such a Swedish view out of the window – in fact it looks like the view from my window… A very swedish looking pad you have there, Mary.

    Hello Rob!

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