Off to Mo*Con VII

Yes, I’ve been in Chicago for a bare three days and am already off to a convention. I’m the Guest of Honor, which has been described to me as “Three days of us spoiling you.” That sounds great. Really fantastic right now.

I do not regret leaving the stacks of boxes in the slightest.

We actually made a huge dent over the last two days and the kitchen is almost fully in place. There are small things that we’ll need, like a knife block for the counter, but overall it’s coming together. The other rooms, however…

This is a photo of our “guest room.”

Those are mostly books and typewriters. We’re still deciding on shelf placement. Once we have that sorted, we’ll start unpacking books. And typewriters.

Meanwhile, I am escaping all of this and fleeing to a convention. I was supposed to take the train yesterday but really needed one more night at home so I’ve rented a car and am driving to Indianapolis. Hopefully, I’ll see some of you there.

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1 thought on “Off to Mo*Con VII”

  1. I shall miss sharing the same town with you!  But I sense you shall flourish wherever you are.  May it be so.
    Love to you!

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