5 thoughts on “Narcoleptic dachsund”

  1. Aw, poor Rusty. 🙂

    It’s funny, true. But narcolepsy is scary. We had a babysitter for my daughter, who was awesome BTW, but had to be cacked up on something like 160 miligrams of Ritalin to be awake during normal business hours. I take 20MG every so often to get the bills done. Wowsers!

  2. I love the first comment up there on the YT site.


    Oh, the lovely age of the intarweebs. I guess it has to be photoshopped or staged these days.

  3. One of my coworkers at IBM had a daughter with narcolepsy and she would fall asleep if she laughed (maybe if she laughed hard).

  4. Oddly enough, I think I saw footage of this dog last month. The World Forestry Center is hosting a traveling exhibit called “From Wolf to Woof,” about the evolution of dogs. (I overheard somebody say the creators charge $75,000 to rent out the show!) Co-sponsor is the Oregon Humane Society, natch, so Carole and I got invited to the opening reception. Among the exhibits was an hour-long video (I suspect from the Discovery Channel or something on that order) narrated by John Lithgow, that included a segment on this dog.

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