My Wiscon 2010 schedule

I’m flying out on a redeye tonight to Wiscon which looks like it will have a fun blend of people present.  Hope to see you there.


10:00 – 11:15AM

Moderator: Jennifer D. B. Lackey. Carol F. Emshwiller, Mary Robinette Kowal, Kelly McCullough

Established authors are invited to read from their earliest works. It’s inspirational to discover that no one is very good when they’re 14. Come and laugh, and join in the discussion of growth and craft.


Readings from Chicks Dig Time Lords
10:00 – 11:15AM

K. Tempest Bradford, Mary Robinette Kowal, Kathryn Sullivan, Lynne M. Thomas

A reading from the anthology Chicks Dig Time Lords, which explores women’s reactions to the British TV series Doctor Who.

Is Science Fiction Keeping Up with Science?
4:00 – 5:15PM
Conference 4

Moderator: Liz L. Gorinsky, Eleanor A. Arnason, Joyce Frohn, Mary Robinette Kowal

Are we as Science Fiction writers keeping up with science or are we only following older models of science fiction? Can we have space travel without instant FTL?


The SignOut
11:30AM – 12:45PM

Come and sign your works, come and get things signed, come and hang out and wind down before you leave. I’m just there because it’s a good chance to catch everyone in one room.

John Joseph Adams, Alma Alexander, Eleanor A. Arnason, F. J. Bergmann, Kat Beyer, Terry Bisson, Alex Bledsoe, Suzy Charnas, Richard Chwedyk, Rick Dakan, Alan John DeNiro, Lori Devoti, Moondancer Drake, Timmi Duchamp, Carol F. Emshwiller, James Frenkel, Greer Gilman, Hiromi Goto, Anna Black, Eileen Gunn, Andrea D. Hairston, Karen Elizabeth Healey, N. K. Jemisin, Ellen Klages, Mary Robinette Kowal, Claire Light, Kimberley Long-Ewing, Kelly McCullough, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Sarah Monette, Nancy Jane Moore, Pat Murphy, Nnedi Okorafor, Sarah B. Prineas, Madeleine Robins, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Patrick James Rothfuss, Catherine M. Schaff-Stump, Fred Schepartz, David J. Schwartz, Nisi Shawl, Jennifer K. Stevenson, Caroline Stevermer, Cecilia Tan, Lynne M. Thomas, JoSelle Vanderhooft

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