My BayCon GoH Schedule

I’m hopping on a train to Santa Clara TODAY for BayCon, where I’m one of their Guests of Honor.  I’m looking forward to seeing the always fantastic art Goh John Picacio and to meeting Fan GoH Bobbie DuFault and Toastmaster Martin Young.

I’ve got my schedule below, but wanted to point out a couple of things.

  1. At the puppetry workshop, I’ll have the Pencil-necked Little Weasel AND Papa Fuzzy.
  2. For my reading, I’ll read some published work PLUS an excerpt from my WIP novel AND a tiny little puppet show.
  3. There are two Regency dances on the schedule. I’m hoping to attend both.

Hope to see you there!


2:00 PM to  2:30 PM in room: Winchester
Opening Ceremonies
Let’s get the Carnivale started! Join the BayCon Chairman and our Honored Guests as they get the convention started.

4:00 PM to 5:30 PM in room: Lawrence
Getting Published Today
How do I get my career to take off in the era of shrinking midlist and self-publishing?

8:00 PM to 9:00 PM in room: Grand Ballroom E & F
Meet-the-Guests Reception
Come meet the Master of the Carnivale, BayCon 2011 Chairman Robert Toland. Mingle with our guests as our Toastmaster Martin Young regales us with interesting anecdotes and introduces our Guests of Honor.


11:30 AM to 1:00 PM in room: San Tomas
Growing Artisticially Through Crisis
A discussion of how the traumas and tragedies can influence your art.

1:00 PM to 2:30 PM in room: Bayshore East and West
Puppetry Workshop
Learn more about puppetry from our Writer Guest of Honor, Mary Robinette Kowal. (Note: I will have the pencil-necked little weasel, and John Scalzi’s Papa Fuzzy puppet with me)

4:00 PM to 5:30 PM in room: Winchester
$5, a Dead Fish, and a Time Machine
Do-it-yourself alternate history. What if you were given three items? Where would you go back to, what would you change, what trouble would you make? What memes would you (re)start?


10:00 AM to 11:30 AM in room: San Tomas
Make It or Break It: The First Three Pages
Everyone knows you have to grab the editors attention enough in the first page to get them to turn the page.  So what’s the secret?  And what about the next two pages?

1:00 PM to 2:30 PM in room: Grand Ballroom E & F
Interview: Writer Guest of Honor
Join Kimmi Albee as she interviews our Writer Guest of Honor, Mary Robinette Kowal.  Discover how Mary blends her award-winning writing with her award-winning puppetry.  What’s with her collection of manual typewriters anyway?

2:30 PM to 4:00 PM in room: Alameda
Author GoH Reading
Please come join Mary Robinette Kowal in a reading of her stories. (Note: I’m going to read a couple of things including a bit from my new novel)

4:00 PM to Sunday, May 29  5:30 PM in room: Grand Ballroom E & F
Social Media and Creativity
How can you use social media to increase your productivity? How does it make you feel more connected without being overly intrusive? How have social media affected your creativity, both positively and negatively?



11:30 AM to 1:00 PM in room: Stevens Creek
The Single Book That Most Influenced Your Writing
Every writer has a style, developed and polished over time.  Our panelists discuss the single book, or author, that most influenced their writing style.

4:00 PM to 4:30 PM in room: Winchester
Closing Ceremonies
Join our Guests of Honor as we bid a fond farewell to BayCon 2011!

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