MRK May 2017 Tour Schedule and Newsletter

Hello, Mary here with the latest news about my goings-on during the month of May.

  • Saturday 6 May: How to Fail Gracefully with K. Tempest Bradford (online)
  • Friday 12 May to Sunday 14 May: Short Story Intensive (online)
  • Thursday 18 May to Sunday 21 May: Nebula Conference (Pittsburgh Marriott City Center, Pittsburg, PA)

“How to Fail Gracefully” is a Master Class I teach with K. Tempest Bradford over at Writing the Other, which is dedicated to helping writers learn how to write characters different from themselves in a way that is both sensitive and convincing.

My Short Story Intensive course is sold out, and usually sells out pretty quickly, so keep an eye out for future sessions of this class!

The Nebula Conference is the annual SFWA (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America) conference, and has panels and workshops in three tracks: career management, professional development, and expert knowledge. Registration for the conference is available to writers of all levels. The Nebula Awards are also hosted that weekend on Saturday evening, and the ballot is full of talented writers and some excellent fiction. Finally, there is a mass autograph session on Friday at the Pittsburgh Marriott City Center, which is open to the public. So, if you’re in the area but unable to attend the conference this is a good opportunity to say hello to some great writers and get your copies of their work signed by them.



P.S. Just a reminder that I am now on Patreon, so if you’re interested in supporting me and my work in that way, you can click here.

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