More set

Most of the time a set designer draws a pretty picture and then a TD (technical director) makes it a reality. I think I’ve been able to do that with one set. Most of the time, because of the limitations of puppets, I have to think about the mechanical as I’m designing. Also, because I’m usually designing for tour, I have to think about the mechanical to know if what I’m asking my TD to do is even possible.

When we’re in the same town, we can discuss things back and forth and hammer out the details of what goes where and how. With Lance, the TD for Other Hand Productions, all I really have to do is say, “I want it to fold here.” He’s toured enough that he knows what it’s like.

With this particular set, I’m working with a very talented, very professional theater who haven’t really built a school tour before. It’s different and I’m trying to do really detailed drawings so that it’s clear what I need the set to do.

If you are interested, here is a pdf of one set of drawings for Arabian Nights. Next, I have to do a set of side drawings at about this level of detail. I’m hoping that their TD won’t be insulted that I am not just giving them a pretty picture. Last time we tried this they built every thing out of wood. It was very heavy. This is a large part of why we are doing a new set for this tour.

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