Mary’s WorldCon Schedule

If you are looking for me at WorldCon, here are some places that I know I’ll be. Copies of Shades of Milk and Honey and Glamour in Glass will be at the Schlock Mercenary table in the Dealer’s room, and yes, I’ll totally write in the missing first sentence for you.

Thursday Aug 30

1:30:pm – 3:00:pm | San Francisco
Researching History That Never Happened
A discussion of alternate history fiction from an author’s point of view. How do authors go about researching the complexities of history? Adam Christopher Kenneth Hite Martin Berman-Gorvine Mary Robinette Kowal Nick DiChario

7:30:pm – 9:00:pm  | Comiskey
 The Mechanism and the Writer
This panel discusses how throughout the history of writing the instrument used has affected not only the ease of writing but actually the content and even the philosophy of the writer. Chris Gerrib, Cynthia Felice, Harry Turtledove, Mary Robinette Kowal, Richard Chwedyk

Friday Aug 31

9:00:am – 10:30:am | Offsite
Stroll with the Stars
Edward James, Ellen Datlow, Farah Mendlesohn, Lawrence M. Schoen, Mary Robinette Kowal, Scott Edelman, Stu Segal

 3:00:pm – 4:30:pm | Grand Suite 3
Broad Universe Rapid-Fire Reading
 Members of the Broad Universe organization read short excepts from current works. Brenda Cooper, Carol Berg, Cat Rambo, Catherine Asaro, Catherine Lundoff, Deirdre Murphy, Dr. Sandra M. Grayson, Gwynne Garfinkle, J. Kathleen Cheney, Kathryn Sullivan, Laurel Anne Hill, Lyda Morehouse, Mary Robinette Kowal, Roberta Gregory, Roberta Rogow, Sandra Ulbrich Almazan, Sue Burke

Saturday Sep 1

10:30:am  — 1 12:00:pm | Crystal B
Peggy Rae Sapienza Interview
 Pappa Fuzzy from John Scalzi’s Fuzzy Nation fame will interview our Fan Guest of Honor Peggy Rae Sapienza. Mary Robinette Kowal, Peggy Rae Sapienza

 12:00:pm – Sep 1 1:30:pm | Autograph Session 8
Charles Justiz, James Kahn, Joan Slonczewski, Lee Martindale, Mary Robinette Kowal, Nancy Fulda, Robert Buettner, Robert Reed

3:00:pm – 3:30:pm | Gold Coast
Reading: Mary Robinette Kowal
I’m going to give a preview of Without a Summer. 


Sunday, Sep 2

10:30:am — 12:00:pm | Crystal A
Committing Series
Writers talk about writing a series: whether (and how) they planned out their series and whether they started out intending to write a series or stumbled into it as the series took off. They also address how they manage to avoid repetition while keeping their characters and worlds consistent. They explain what they would and wouldn’t do next time. Adam-Troy Castro, Chris Gerrib, Jason Hough, Joshua Silverman, Mary Robinette Kowal


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