March Fourth Marching Band has this amazing music video with shadow puppets that I’m totally in love with. Should you have any doubts about watching it, you should know that one of the title cards says, “Meanwhile in Deep Space…”
How can you pass that up?
Seriously. This is one of the hottest uses of shadow puppets I’ve seen in ages.
Fun sound, too!!!! I could could go a extra mile or two listening to it.
I believe Tripper Dungan did these puppets. He’s a friend of my friend Bruce Orr; I may have met him, but Bruce and Carla’s parties are usually so crowded that I can’t keep all those people straight.
Whoops, I forgot to include this one:
Love the video, and I’ve never heard of March Fourth. If they tour again the next few years, I have to keep my eyes out to go…
Sounds like it would be great fun.