Looking for beta-readers from Antigua

The fifth book in The Glamourist Histories, is set in 1818 in Antigua. I’m planning on starting the novel in November, with NaNoWriMo, and I’m looking for readers from Antigua. While there’s plenty of stuff written about other Caribbean islands, not so much with Antigua. Each of the islands have very distinct characteristics so while I can extrapolate some, I’m also going into this novel knowing that I’ll have more than my usual blind spots.

As someone who writes historically based fiction, I know that there’s a ton of research I need to do on any given topic. The trouble with blind spots as a writer is that they represent areas where I don’t even know that there’s a gap in my understanding of a subject.

I’ll put out my usual call for folks to read along when I start the novel, but this is an early call for a specific group to help me try to flag the blind spots.

So– if you are from Antigua, have family there, or for some other reason have a high level of knowledge about the island, please let me know if you are willing to read along by commenting below.

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1 thought on “Looking for beta-readers from Antigua”

  1. I grew up in Antigua, though I have been back only once as an adult. I am honestly not sure if I would enjoy reading a book set there, or find it too painful, but I’d be willing to give it a try.

    – Shasta

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