Locked in a basement for HOURS

Yesterday, I had breakfast with Dan and Howard at The Original Pancake House, which it turns out is a chain. But a tasty treat nonetheless with giant, giant portions.

Then we came down to Brandon’s house and locked ourselves into the basement for several hours to record Writing Excuses. The episodes are only fifteen minutes long — usually — but we recorded ten of them yesterday. We’re going to record several more today.

I love recording with these guys because I learn something every time I do.

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5 thoughts on “Locked in a basement for HOURS”

  1. Did you have their cinnamon apple pancake? It’s very decadent and oh-so-wrong, but it’s amazing nevertheless. (Especially with cinnamon ice cream melted into it!)

  2. Don’t yawn too much. For the record, I know a lot of people (myself included) who’d volunteer to be locked in a basement with that crew. I still want to meet Dan, but I’ve greatly enjoyed my interactions with Howard, Brandon and Jordan. Also, there should be fewer pants on Writing Excuses, and more kilts. 

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