Interviewing Experts with Astronaut Tanya Harrison – Tomorrow, August 17th! Let’s talk MARS!

My newest Patreon series, Interviewing Experts, continues tomorrow, August 17th, at 7PM CST (8PM Eastern) with Mars expert, Dr. Tanya Harrison. I’ll be conducting an interview with her as if I’m preparing to feature her job in a novel. You get to ask questions, too! Live captioning is provided for accessibility, and recordings are available for those who need to participate asynchronously. You can submit questions ahead of time if you won’t be available for the live event.

Dr. Tanya Harrison is a Professional Martian, having worked in science and mission operations for multiple NASA Mars missions over the past 13 years. She’s worked on the Perseverance, Curiosity, and Opportunity rovers, as well as NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Tanya holds a Ph.D. in Geology with a Specialization in Planetary Science and Exploration from the University of Western Ontario and a B.Sc. in Astronomy and Physics from the University of Washington. You can find her tweeting about all things Mars as @tanyaofmars.

Unsure about whether you’re interested? Here’s six minutes from my Interviewing Experts in January with  NASA Engineer Bobak Ferdowsi.

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