In which Mary makes an accidental shrinky dink

Accidental shrinky dinkAnd today, ladies and gentlemen, I learned that not all to-go cartons are microwave safe.  The container on the left, containing my lunch, and the container on the right began life as the same size.  One minute and thirty seconds later, I had a shrinky-dink.

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6 thoughts on “In which Mary makes an accidental shrinky dink”

  1. O______O!! That is…amazing, it looks like a little bowl now. We both seem to be having kitchen mishaps. But I’ll definitely take a shrinky-dink container over an over fire O_O

  2. Thank goodness you are in NYC where there is a pizza joint on every street. Oh! and the dessert truck isn’t that far away and now you have a bonified excuse to visit it.

  3. At least it was a fun lesson. Did you decorate it like a real shrinky dink? 🙂

    Also, yes, good thing it didn’t catch fire.

  4. It was Number 6 plastic, wasn’t it.

    We’ve been collecting number 6 plastic here, because you can, in fact, make shrinkydinks out of it. We’ve got a respectable pile on a shelf in the laundry room, and sometime soon we’re going to break out the colored Sharpies and have a shrinking party.

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