In Iowa City

How annoying. I wrote a post on my phone yesterday but it didn’t show up here AND it isn’t saved on my phone. It was brilliant, clearly, and life-changing.

So allow me to sum up and then go crawl into bed.

In Denver we stopped at Broadway Book Mall which was great fun. Nina and Ron Else were just lovely. They had chocolate and refreshments for the folks who showed up.

In fact, here… have some photos.

Yesterday we stopped in Omaha at the Oak View Barnes & Noble. They were really kind, but had the awkward situation of having already sold all but one of the books before I arrived. So they brought us some cookies, and I just sat in the cafe chatting with the folks that came out to see me.

Luckily, I had copies of Glamour in Glass in the truck, so we were able to make sure people got a copy.  Aftewards, a group of us went out for Chinese. This is the first time I’ve been able to go out for dinner with folks on this tour and it was a nice break.

This morning, we slept in because we didn’t need to be at a bookstore this evening. This sleeping in thing… I like it.

Currently, we are in Iowa City, which was not one of our scheduled stops. Don’t worry, we didn’t have a breakdown. There was an opportunity to look at some winery equipment on the way here, so we stopped in Des Moines to do that. I say stopped in… What I really mean, is that we doubled back to Des Moines. We were an hour and a half past it when the call came in that the equipment was available. The opportunity to examine it in person seemed to merit the extra time.

Unfortunately, it won’t meet Rob’s needs, but it’s better to spend a little time today than make him drive six hours to look at it.

Tomorrow? Tomorrow we reach Chicago.

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3 thoughts on “In Iowa City”

  1. Awkward in Omaha.  Sounds like a good intro to a story to me.  It’s a nice awkward really, having sold all but one of the stock!  That’s a good thing.
    I grew up in Nebraska and attended college in Kearney, which you passed by on I 80. My small home town is about 40 miles south and east of there.
    I’m glad the trip is going well, all in all, and hope that you settle into life in Chicago smoothly.  Well, as smoothly as someone with your schedule allows you too.

    Jeff S.

  2. Thanks for the photos and updates… let us know as you pull into Chicago… hopefully not chased by zombies or anything…!

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