Half day

We didn’t have to be to work until 2:00 today, which was lovely. I slept in. Emily and I met and had lunch downtown and then we went to work. It was amazingly low key. I worked some eyebrows and moved a monitor. That was about it.

There was one glorious thing, though. I biked home from work. Back in Portland I always rode to work, so I was biking twelve miles almost every day. I haven’t been on a bike since I got here. We keep talking about biking to work because it’s about the same distance as what I was biking at home. Today, Rob biked to work while I drove. And then I biked home while he drove. We’re hoping that we’ll be able to have his bike shipped over from the States and then we can both bike. Meanwhile, this will work.

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2 thoughts on “Half day”

  1. Wow, Impressive! I don’t remember seeing anyone on a bike when I was there, are drivers taken aback? do you ride on sidewalks? Biking along sections of the ring road would be the ultimate in … in… something, I’m not sure what, but it would be lovely.

  2. Mary Robinette Kowal

    Cyclist ride on the sidewalks here, which is taking me some getting used to for me.

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