Finished dog

I finished the dog today. Finally. The consensus was that it needed to be gorier, but since I hadn’t built it that way, there were limits to what I could do without rebuilding. For instance, exposed bone wasn’t an option… wait a minute. There’s a real skull in there.

So, I dislocated the jaw and ripped part of her face. I also amputated a leg, and put a blood-soaked sponge in its place. Plus lots and lots and lots of blood. She drips when she comes out of the box now and everyone seems happy.

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4 thoughts on “Finished dog”

  1. Super gross, yet,oh so cool!
    I am absolutely fascinated by your abilities. I would love an intensive class. Ya know, start with fish and then end with Gory dead dogs!
    I keep trying to recreate stuff you do cause I think its so neat and I love that you give us all these process details. You amaze me!

  2. How is the dog supposed to have died? Is the box it comes out of dripping blood part of the play or just how you deliver it?

  3. Oh, I fear that a “dead” photo may pain me after the sweet shot posted on Nov. 1st (in which the pooch appears to be comforting a tired Mary), but I’m a big girl, and I think I can handle it… please do post an “after” shot… I’m just too curious!

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