
HafragilsfossWe left Hóll around nine in the morning and headed down Rt. 862 on the West side of the gorge that Jökulsá runs through. For those of you keeping track, the more digits a road number has the worse it is. So… 862, was an adventure in places, but well worth it. We pulled off the road into a parking area to look at Hafragilfoss (don’t worry, I can’t say it either) and we were concerned that we would not be able to leave the parking area without four-wheel drive.

The river below HafragilsfossNow in all of these photos I’m fighting the thing that always kills me when taking pictures in Iceland. It’s really hard to get a sense of scale. For instance, in this photo, the little white streams are actually sizeable waterfalls and very, very far down.

DettifossAfter we left Hafragilfoss, without needing a four-wheel drive, we continued down the road to Dettifoss, which is Europe’s most powerful waterfall. As you walk from the parking lot you can hear Hafragilsfoss in your right ear and Dettifoss in your left. It’s rather astounding. If you look very carefully, on the right side of the waterfall you can see two little tiny specks of color. Those are people.

I’ll finish up with the rest of the photos tomorrow.

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