Computerless no longer

Well… my computer free period did not last very long. Several of you offered to loan me an old laptop. Thank you. You are all amazing people.

Last night, my dear friend, Shanna Germain dropped off her old MacBook Air for me to use for the next month while mine was in the shop. I was making a valiant effort to write in a notebook and use my phone for the internet but… really. There were a lot of exclamation points involved when she offered to loan me a computer. Apparently, I’m addicted.

Or rather… I was okay writing in longhand but I’m in the editing stages with two different projects and it was frustrating to be unable to do that. Yes. I know that I could have printed out the novels and carried two reams of paper with me on the road trip, then later inputted all of my corrections into the computer — because that is how I used to roll — but I didn’t want to if I had a choice.

What will be interesting in the next month is to see how I, a lifelong PC girl, react to using a Mac product. In the past, I have not liked them. We’ll see how I do this time.

And now to go enter all of the text I wrote by hand. I wonder how much it is…

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