My Capricon schedule, which includes my birthday…

Here’s where to find me at Capricon. Please note, I am turning 45 this Saturday and will have treats with me. And, you know, someone might just be going home with an ARC of Valour and Vanity.


Researching Foreign Times – 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm – Botanic Garden B
L. P. Hartley said, “The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.” This means that authors who set books in historical milieus must research their period as much as an author setting their stories in a foreign land, and perhaps should approach the past with the same attitude they would approach a strange country.
Walt Boyes, Mark Huston, Sherrilyn Kenyon (M), Mary Robinette Kowal, S. M. Stirling

Saturday — My 45th Birthday

Autographing: Eisenstein, Hawks, Kowal – 1:00 pm to 2:15 pm – Autograph Table

I will be signing, yes, but I will also have treats! For you! Because birthday.
Phyllis Eisenstein, Laura Hawks, Elizabeth Anne Hull, Mary Robinette Kowal


What We Don’t See – 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm – Botanic Garden A

When an author sets out to create a world, there is a lot of detail that never makes it into the final story. Is it important for the author to know those details of the world?
Brian Babendererde, Dan Berger, Emmy Jackson, Mary Robinette Kowal (M), Kathryn Sullivan


Time Enough for Love – 10:00 am to 11:15 am – Botanic Garden B
Romance novels meet time travel in numerous works, from Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander to Audrey Niffenegger’s The Time-Traveler’s Wife. How do these differ from a conventional historical novel? What does this form allow authors to do that they otherwise couldn’t do?
Laura Hawks, Mary Robinette Kowal, Mary Mascari, Rochelle Weber ([email protected])

2 Story and Their Histories – 11:30 am to 12:45 pm – Birch B
Mary Anne Mohanraj will read from her short story “The Stars Change” and Mary Robinette Kowal ([email protected]) will read “We Interrupt This Broadcast.” Following the story they will discuss the research they had to do in order to bring the stories from their fevered imaginations to the page for your enjoyment and edification.
Mary Robinette Kowal, Mary Anne Mohanraj (M)

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