Calling for Obama

I decided to use my time wisely and I’m making calls for Obama from the airport. The Obama/Biden website has a couple of different, easy ways you can volunteer. I’m calling North Carolina, because that’s where I grew up.

It’s been interesting. I made forty calls this morning and spoke to about a third of those folks (the rest got messages) of them, only one wasn’t voting for Obama. Tonight is a little more mixed, but still the overwhelming number of people are supporting Obama.

The most memorable call was to a sixty year old woman who said that this was the hardest election she’d ever had to vote in. She said that she was just praying that God would let the right man win. We wound up talking for about twenty minutes because she had just seen that Senator Obama’s grandmother had died. She’d nursed her own mother through cancer and was raising her grandson so she felt a real connection to them. At the end of the call she said something like, “I’ve made up my mind and I’m voting for Obama. I think the hope he brings to the country is what we need.” It was deeply moving because I sort of think she made the final choice while she was talking to me.

Another call was to a young woman who was so excited about Obama that she wanted to know if there were a way that she could volunteer to drive people who didn’t have vehicles tomorrow. I pointed her to the community page on the website.

You know, if I’ve got to be stuck in the airport, this is the way to do it.

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1 thought on “Calling for Obama”

  1. Good going! I spent some time doing office work at the Dems state headquarters last week. I can’t say that it provided much in the way of immediate gratification as your work obviously did. I do hope it helped in some small way.

    (I hope you don’t mind that I friended you on LJ.)

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