BayCon Schedule

I’m attending BayCon 2015: Women of Wonder… and the People Who Love and Appreciate Them, from Friday, May 22, through Sunday, May 24. Here is my schedule:

Friday, May 22
Celebrating a Woman of Wonder: Jane Austen at 240, 4:30-6pm, San Tomas
Jane Austen’s millions of fans will be celebrating her 240th birthday this December. How much influence does she have on the current generation of readers and writers? What tropes in science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal romance can be traced back to her books, or to domestic life in the Regency Period? Join fans of Jane Austen’s work in connecting dots between her books and recent works of science fiction and fantasy.

Saturday, May 23
Traveling with Costumes and Props, 11:30am-1pm, Winchester
Do you need TARDIS powers for your suitcase? This is a costumer’s guide to packing for conventions and other adventures.

Themed Reading: Historical Fantasy, 4-5:30pm, Sarasota
It’s our world, in the past, and yet it’s not. Hear authors read from stories set in Earth’s history, but spiced with an extra element of the fantastic. (with Marie Brennan)

Sunday, May 24
“And the Nominees Are…” An Overview of the 2015 Hugo Nominees, 1-2:30pm, San Tomas
You’ve seen book covers with the statement “Hugo Award Winner” blazoned on the front. The 2015 Hugos will be awarded at the Worldcon in Spokane this August. Don’t have the time to read all the nominated works yourself? The panelists will discuss their favorites among the nominees in various categories. Find out which of the nominees matches what you like in a good read.

Regency Dances, 2:30-5:30pm, Lafayette
The English Regency was just over a decade, but it has had a broad influence on everything from literature to music and dance. Don’t worry if you don’t know the steps — expert Alan Winston will teach you as he calls the dances.

Three Dimensional Women in Science Fiction, 4-5:30, Lawrence
How well do Heinlein’s depictions of women (or those of other major male or female sci-fi writers) hold up in the 21st century?

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