Arrived in NYC, reading, puppets, and bedtime

I’ve arrived in NYC where I will be until Thursday morning.  I’m reading from Shades of Milk and Honey at the KGB Fantastic Fiction series on Wednesday night with Laura Anne Gilman. You should come.

For those who have been following my travel adventures,  you will be pleased and baffled to know that I had no transit problems on this trip, at all. Bear in mind that I was travelling on Friday the 13th.

It confuses me too.

Upon my arrival, I went straight to the Puppet Kitchen where I got pulled into helping build a duplicate of one of the dog puppets we built when I lived here before.  It was fun and felt like I’d come home. I do miss building puppets and working there.

Afterwards, I went out for drinks and a light dinner with friends. My current plan for the evening is to go to bed and sleep.

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1 thought on “Arrived in NYC, reading, puppets, and bedtime”

  1. Sigh. I would love to come, but it looks like I won’t even make the SF event. (Grr, snarl, snap) At any rate, I received the book this weekend and devoured it immediately, with a chaser of Scalzi’s Judge Sn story.

    Thanks for a fun and comforting read- I’m now off to glamorize my own house. (Hmmm- do cats see glamor? Was there some sort of Regency laser pointer effect meant to keep them from batting at the palm fronds and egrets?)

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