Are You a Yankee or a Rebel?

This is more than a little silly, but fun.

Are You a Yankee or a Rebel?

My natural score comes up as “70% Dixie. Just under the Mason-Dixon Line,” which explains why my Tennessee relatives call me the “Northern Belle.” My brother comes up as 86% Dixie and he’s lived out of the country longer than I have.

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12 thoughts on “Are You a Yankee or a Rebel?”

  1. Mary Robinette Kowal

    Hang on! You sound more Southern than I do, so why did you get a lower score?

  2. Really, I answered every question honestly. There were two question that I could have picked either of two answers so I just picked one of the two. After I finished I went back and changed both of the answers and the results were the same.

  3. I’m 33%, David 35%. One more way we are well suited to eachother. Can I tell you how happy I was to see the whole “bag” vs. “sack” issue finally laid out on the table? And What’s up with a DRIVE THRU liquor store?? Who are these people?

  4. 33%. Poke? I suppose, like a pig in a poke. Which I would hope you wouldn’t get at a grocery store.

  5. Mary Robinette Kowal

    e: The first time I saw a drive-thru liquor store, I was in Texas. You could order margueritas at the drive-thru of restaurants.

    Jason: So that’s why I found you so charming!

  6. 24% – so clearly a Yankee … except that I’m Canadian … heavily influenced by the Great Lakes stuff.

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