Anagram me!

Well, this is amusing me so you might enjoy playing along too. In my post about my Profane Bio, Wiredwizard suggested that perhaps my name anagrammed into dirty words.

And a procrastination tool emerged.

My favorites of my name anagrams:
Ably Work Marionette
Warn My Literate Book
Tor Abnormality Week
Lo! Winemaker Brat Toy
Monkey Laborer At Wit

How about you?

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5 thoughts on “Anagram me!”

  1. Unfortunately, I don’t have a middle name to play with, but even then, there is an interesting result.

    Knave Kilo
    Oak Kelvin
    A Vole Kink
    A Love Kink
    Ova Elk Ink
    Ova Elk Kin
    Ova Ken Ilk

    A love link, eh?

  2. OMG

    I may never recover when faced with the likes of:
    Odd Then Rot
    Nerd Dot Hot
    Hod Rod Tent

    I don’t think this is safe for mixed company.

  3. Mine are just odd, but one of my nephews came up as “A Shrieked Complaint”. It’s fairly accurate for that little guy. 🙂

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