A comedy of hands

I spent the morning bouncing between live hands. I went out on set to work as Bessie’s hands, and got suited up, when they changed their minds (something to do with lighting) . So I pulled those off and put Ziggy’s hands on. But that was wrong too, I needed to be wearing the Mayor’s hands.

I think I’ve mentioned that, because my hands are small, I have to wear two pairs of gloves to work as the Mayor. We did that shot (him adjusting his cufflinks for the Secret Agent episode) and I immediately stripped out of the gloves, slammed my hands into Ziggy’s got suited up for the next shot and they realized that they needed to have me in Bessie’s after all. Out of Ziggy’s gloves, into Bessie’s. Do the shot. Out of Bessie’s gloves, back into Ziggy’s and–wait.

And wait.

Still waiting…they are fixing a lighting issue so I take the gloves off, and like I had pushed a button the lighting is fixed and “Why isn’t Ziggy ready?” Ahh! Fortunately he’s one of the easy ones to get into.

My goodness. It’s almost impossible to talk about doing this work without sounding dirty.

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