A chance to win a copy of Shades of Milk and Honey

I mentioned this earlier, but it was the 4th of July weekend and I think a lot of folks missed it.  There’s a contest at Shareable.net based on the Typewriter Tritypch stories.  Basically, I wrote most of the stories on typewriter but had to switch to computer for travel. I think this resulted in a blatant style change and mentioned it to the editor.  He decided that was good fodder for a contest.

Readers who are able to correctly spot the exact place in the typewriter triptych where Mary switched from a typewriter to a computer will win one of two free books: Either her forthcoming novel Shades of Milk and Honey OR Jay Walljasper’s forthcoming book, All That We Share: How to Save the Economy, Our Communities, the Environment, the Internet, Democracy, and Everything Else that Belongs to All of Us

Your choice!

To be eligible, you should become a registered user with Shareable.net–sign up here. Then leave your guess as a comment here or on any of the three stories.

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