MRK’s 2023 Awards Eligibility

I would be so grateful for your consideration during this award nomination season.

“Cold Relations” was published in Uncanny Magazine, and you can read or listen to it here.

It’s the only story I published last year. I wrote it while caretaking for my mother and I was thinking a lot about memory and legacy. I’d be honored if you would take time to read it.

Additionally, Writing Excuses Podcast, Season 18 is eligible. This was our first season with our new co-hosts, DongWon Song and Erin Roberts. I am so proud of them for all they have poured into this podcast with Howard Tayler, Dan Wells, and myself, and I would be thrilled if their work were to be recognized with a Hugo Award nomination. In fact, when Writing Excuses won our prior Hugo, it was within the Best Related Work category, and it would be exciting and validating to be nominated within the Fancast category for 2023.

Short Story


“Claudette lowered her infrared goggles over her eyes and waited for the ghost. By the cash register, webs of energy, tinted green by the goggles, swirled in a loose spiral. Spectral lines tightened in time with a throbbing hum of energy.”

“Cold Relations” was published in Issue Fifty of Uncanny Magazine and is available online in audio and written format here.



Writing Excuses is hosted by Mary Robinette Kowal, DongWon Song, Erin Roberts, Howard Tayler, and Dan Wells. It is a fast-paced, educational podcast for writers, by writers. It airs weekly, with new episodes appearing each Sunday evening at around 6pm Eastern Time. Episodes vary in length from fifteen to twenty-five minutes, but are usually less than twenty minutes long. The tagline, “Fifteen minutes long, because you’re in a hurry, and we’re not that smart” isn’t super accurate, time-wise, but it’s a haiku so we’re keeping it.

Our goal is to help our listeners become better writers. Whether they write for fun or for profit, whether they’re new to the domain or old hands, Writing Excuses has something to offer. We love to write, and our listeners do, too.

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