The director took this photo of me yesterday. Looks comfie, huh?
Rob and I went out to Þingvellir and it held true to my experience that every day in Iceland the landscape changes. Of course in this case, the change was more extreme. We did something I’ve not done here, which is hike around up to the top of the waterfall. We kept feeling like we
Þingvellir in the snow Read More »
It’s my niece’s birthday! She’s two years old today.
Emily Elisabeth’s Birthday Read More »
Here are we are, dolled up in our finest. That’s a real bowtie Rob is wearing, not a pre-tied clipon. Now, my dad had asked for pictures and names of people so that he could keep track of who’s who. Here are my some of my co-workers. Dana and Mark Reed Jonathan (director) and Thor
Long delayed Bond pictures Read More »
I’ve been doing live hands all day. I have only left the set for lunch. Rob spent the day here, and got to see me do some fun shots. I also just found out that on Monday I’ll be performing Trixie by myself while Sarah is in London at a wedding. I’m excited and nervous.
Well, it turns out that I couldn’t get away, so we went to dinner at Maru last night. We had a lovely, but cold walk in the snow there and back.
Anniversary dinner Read More »
Rob and I are celebrating three years of marriage today. How? I’m working today, he’s watching me work. Sigh. But, later today, we are going to the Blue Lagoon for massages.
When I walked off the set just now the world was white. Sky, ground, everything. We’ve got horizontal snow whipping across the parking lot.
Today the President of Iceland came to visit the set. He was supposed to have come once before but something came up. I didn’t get to meet him because I was lying on the floor working when he came in. People seem to like him.
President of Iceland Read More »
This is a view of my street at 8:30 this morning. Sunrise starts around nine am. The sun isn’t actually over the horizon yet, and it is 9:30.
It turns out that he was home the whole time, but didn’t hear the phone or the buzzer because he was asleep with his ear plugs in. Sigh. The poor guy is having a hard time adjusting to this time zone, which is not helped by the limited daylight hours. So, I had a nice
We’ve found each other Read More »
Rob is not in the apartment and he did not take the cellphone with him. He does, however, have the only set of keys. So, I’m locked out and have no idea how to find him. In revenge, I have taken myself to Hresso for a nice lunch and a coffee. I’ll also work on
Sadness and slight annoyance Read More »
No. Don’t get your hopes up, I’m just heading back to the apartment. David has offered to stay in and cover me today.