This is a small thing. You can write a letter.
It’s also a huge thing. You can write a letter.
See, our government representatives still respond more to letters than the do to emails, Facebook, or Twitter hashtags. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t do those, too, but there’s this other thing you can do. You can write a letter.
Over at Month of Letters, I’ve put together a set of resources to make it easy for you to do this. There’s stationery, a template, a list of addresses… heck, I’ve even got a discount on postage for you. Just please… please write a letter.
Your thoughts and prayers aren’t enough. We have work to do. Can you write a letter?
Hear, hear! I am fortunate to live in a state that’s got a very committed delegation where gun control is concerned, but I will be writing them letters of support anyway.