Happy Natal Day Rachel and Lizzie Scholes!

Rachel and Lizzie ScholesHere are the beautiful daughters of Ken and Jen Scholes. Rachel (5 lbs 3 oz.) and Lizzie (5lbs 6 oz.) were delivered this morning and all are doing well.

I’m so happy for my friends and can’t wait to meet the young ladies.

Through the magic of wireless, Ken snapped a photo of the girls and I’m posting it here, with permission, for your viewing pleasure.  They are about three hours old in this photo.  Ken reports that they are the most beautiful babies in the world.  I find it hard to disagree with him.

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1 thought on “Happy Natal Day Rachel and Lizzie Scholes!”

  1. They are absolutely gorgeous! The best thing that anyone did for me after I had triplets was when two of my friends came and stayed overnight- yes, I had to still nurse all night, but I got to lie in bed and not have to worry about changing diapers, or actually even moving if I didn’t feel like it. I’d suggest it after the parents have had about six weeks of sleep deprivation 🙂

    Wish them the best- multiples are wonderful!

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