Call for contracts

I promise that I won’t post all SFWA all the time, but if you don’t mind helping spread the word on this one, I’d appreciate it.

As part of a study on contracts, SFWA is seeking to enlarge and update their database of representative contract terms from the major publishers. Authors interested in participating may email e-contracts, or scans of their paper contracts, to [email protected] or mail paper copies to SFWA, Attn: Michael Capobianco, at P.O. Box 877, Chestertown, MD 21620. Please redact anything that you don’t want to reveal.

If possible, please note if the contract is boilerplate language or if it has been negotiated. Of particular interest are e-book rights.

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1 thought on “Call for contracts”

  1. I’m not a major publisher, nor an ebook publisher, but audiobooks are somewhat similar. Any SFWA input into my contract would be welcome.

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