I have blood on my hands

Zesty, mint flavored blood. That’s right, it’s time for another show with blood. The effects in this show are significantly easier, which makes me a happy camper. One stabbing and one razor cut. All fairly run of the mill.

BUT. I’m in tech week for two different shows for the next week. I will be largely offline during this.

While I’m working, would you take a moment to share your favorite curses? It’ll come in handy. Remember that couch? Yeah… I’ve got stories to tell about it, once I get past this week.

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8 thoughts on “I have blood on my hands”

  1. Blood is minty? I’ve been working in the wrong theater.

    My favorite curse: While it is not my place to cause you harm, I pray that I can witness the karma bomb that will go off and destroy your life.

    Or did you mean curse word?

    1. Edible blood can be minty, depending on the brand. I prefer the chocolate flavored myself.

      That is a fantastic curse. I did mean more of the expletive sort of thing, but after your example, I’m widening the cursing field.

  2. -De zoltz voxen vie a tsibileh, mit dein kopf in dret und dein fees aruff! -(sorry for the purely phonetic yiddish spelling, but I learned this one from my grandmother) It translates loosely to- May you grow like an onion, with your head in the ground and your feet sticking up in the air.

    admittedly, not one you are likely to blurt out in a moment of frustration.

  3. Toss-socks! Or, if cursing someone, calling them a fuckwit is usually a winner…

    Oh, and Couche-Tard of course, which is the name of a convenience store chain in Montreal, but sounds like an insult at least!

  4. You’re a Yankee Brain
    Of course, this doesn’t insult everyone.
    In NY it would probably go completely unnoticed.

  5. Mint-flavored blood! Man, that brings back memories! Chocolate sounds even better, though.

    I like Mlewys’s curse; it’s a richer version of my favorite simple-sounding yet actually heinous “May you get what you deserve” curse. Sorry I can’t help much on the expletives front, though. I don’t swear enough to branch out to the creative and unusual.

    I hope the shows go well! You’re very brave to tackle two tech weeks at once…

  6. “God’s Be ….!!!!!!”

    “God’s of Mercy . . . help me. (for the fool that I am.)”

    “Niffholme” or “Niff!!!” The cold void between Asgard and Midgard, the Norse hell.

    Anything else came out of watching to many SF marathons.

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