Escape Pod » EP196: Evil Robot Monkey

My short story “Evil Robot Monkey,” read by Stephen Eley, appears on Escape Pod today as part of their yearly podcast of Hugo nominees. It first appeared in the Solaris Book of New Science Fiction, vol. 2 edited by George Mann.

Sliding his hands over the clay, Sly relished the moisture oozing around his fingers. The clay matted down the hair on the back of his hands making them look almost human. He turned the potter’s wheel with his prehensile feet as he shaped the vase. Pinching the clay between his fingers he lifted the wall of the vase, spinning it higher.

Someone banged on the window of his pen. Sly jumped and then screamed as the vase collapsed under its own weight. He spun and hurled it at the picture window like feces. The clay spattered against the Plexiglas, sliding down the window.

via Escape Pod » EP196: Evil Robot Monkey.

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