Apex Science Fiction and Horror Digest interviews Shimmer’s editor-in-chief

Shimmer, Winter 07 coverApex Science Fiction and Horror Digest‘s online magazine interviewed Beth about Shimmer. During the interview, I am compared to a horse…

Beth Wodzinski is the Editor-in-Chief of Shimmer Magazine. You’ve probably heard of it…attractive perfect-bound magazine that could probably call itself the young cousin of Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet. Beth Wodzinski is respected and well-liked by the Apex staff, and we were pleased that she took the time to tell us more about her labor of love.

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3 thoughts on “Apex Science Fiction and Horror Digest interviews Shimmer’s editor-in-chief”

  1. But I believe the word used to describe you is “genius!”

    What a great interview. Actually, that is one of the best I’ve ever read. It has humor and wisecracks and all sorts of nice things. Beth gives a great interview, and I enjoyed Jason just as much–he’s so charming about Aliette!

    Congratulations to Shimmer!

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